Fashion design differs from costume design due to its core product having a built in obsolescence usually of one to two seasons. A season is defined as either autumn/winter or spring/summer. Fashion design is generally considered to have started in the 19th century with Charles Frederick Worth who was the first person to sew their label into the garments that they created. While all articles of clothing from any time period are studied by academics as costume design, only clothing created after 1858 could be considered as fashion design.
Learn more: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fashion_design

Para criar estilo, os figurinistas utilizaram-se de cinco elementos básicos: a cor, a silhueta, o caimento, a textura e a harmonia.
Já o estilismo e o design são elementos integrantes do conceito moda, cada qual com os seus papéis bem definidos.
Aprenda mais sobre: http://pt.wikipedia.org/wiki/Moda
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