A narrator is an entity within a story that tells the story to the reader. It is one of three entities responsible for story-telling of any kind. The others are the author and the reader (or audience). The author and the reader both inhabit the real world. It is the author's function to create the alternate world, people, and events within the story. It is the reader's function to understand and interpret the story. The narrator exists within the world of the story (and only there—although in non-fiction the narrator and the author can share the same persona, since the real world and the world of the story are the same) and presents it in a way the reader can comprehend.A narrator tells the story from their point of view.Story telling is an old art that has followed humanity since the construction of verbal languages. However, the act of story telling has lost its’ meaning and importance in today’s society. It is almost completely lost in daily life. The loss of the narrator figure brings the loss of much history and many memories. In the fields of art and education, the practice of story telling must be revived. This lost art helps us to remember the past and project the future.
A contacao de historias perdeu o seu significado e a sua importancia. Posso dizer que e uma perda muito grande na historia da humanidade, a perda da memoria. Quem ja nao vivenciou momentos de "contacao de historias? Em uma roda de amigos ou com a familia? Eu me lembro ate hoje as historias que a minha tia Concheta nos contava quando eramos criancas, chegava a dar medo uhh eram historias de lobisomem, saci, mula sem cabeca e por ai vai... o que eu quero dizer e que temos que reavivar esse habito que muito nos acrescenta e como se fosse uma identidade do que somos.
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